ものづくり・匠の技の祭典2023 young event

Please join us for this free event, which is open to all without reservations.
Please note that some events are targeted at young people in their junior high school to 20s.

*Event details and schedule are subject to change. *The photo below is an image


Drone piloting experience

You can fly a drone, which is used for a variety of purposes. Using a smartphone with an app installed, visitors can easily fly a drone with intuitive operations!

Numbered tickets will be distributed 10 minutes prior to some events.
Numbered tickets will be distributed until the maximum number is reached.

  • Tokyo Metropolitan High School of Technology


Let's work together and prune the plants!

A neatly pruned garden feels good, right?
Would you like to experience the "landscaping craftsmanship" of pruning the plants in your garden or park on a daily basis?

Numbered tickets will be distributed 10 minutes prior to some events.
Numbered tickets will be distributed until the maximum number is reached.

Junior high school students to 20s

  • Japan Federation of Landscape Contractors Tokyo Branch


VR Experience

Let's experience "VR" which is used in various fields! Just put on the goggles! You can enjoy a realistic experience as if you were in reality!

Numbered tickets will be distributed 10 minutes prior to some events.
Numbered tickets will be distributed until the maximum number is reached.

  • Tokyo Metropolitan High School of Technology
State of VR experience

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