Gifts for visitors

We have prepared various gifts to be given to participants at the event.

Presents for answering a questionnaire

We will give away a "Wazaneko Fusen Memo with Cover" to visitors who fill out a questionnaire at the venue!
*Only a limited number of presents is available for each day. We will end the survey once all the presents are given out.

Wazaneko Fusen Memo with Cover

Presents for a stamp rally

Visitors can participate in a "Stamp Rally" which will be held at various spots around the venue.
We also have plenty of presents to give away by lottery, so you can enjoy the whole event while having fun!
*Only a limited number of presents is available for each day. We will end the stamp rally once all the presents are given out.

  • A賞 Wazaneko Magnet sheet

    Wazaneko Magnet sheet

    Limited to 50 units a day

  • B賞 Wazaneko Original note

    Wazaneko Original note

    Limited to 100 units a day

  • C賞 Wazaneko Sticker

    Wazaneko Sticker

    Limited to 100 units a day

  • わざねこ オリジナルポケットティッシュ 参加賞 わざねこ オリジナルポケットティッシュ

    Wazaneko Original pocket tissue

    Limited to 750 units a day

I'm Wazaneko, the mascot character and head of the

The #TOKYOMonozukuriClub (#TOKYOものづくり部) is a portal site that aims to provide easy-to-understand information about craftsmanship and the skills needed to work at craftsmanship sites, in order to encourage young people and others to take an interest in such skills and make use of them to become future craftsmen.

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